JD HALL's Upcoming Events
March 31st
Rolla Missouri
J.D. will be making his Mid-Ozark Championship Wrestling (M.O.C.W.) debut at the Rolla Armory. Bell time 7:00 p.m.
April 7th
Streator Illinois.
J.D. will be making his long awaited return to Powerhouse Championship Wrestling (PCW). For more on this show, click on this link www.powerhousecentral.com
April 21st
Wright City Missouri
J.D. will be doing a lot to get some teenage girls "horny" as J.D. will be returning to Wright City with Missouri Powerhouse Wrestling for a charity event to help raise funds for the Wright City High School Band. Bell time 7:30 p.m. at the Wright City High School Gymnasium. Link onto http://mpwrestling.tripod.com for more info on this show. Get it horny-band fundraiser!!!
May 5th
Hannibal Missouri
Admiral Coontz Armory Bell time 7:30 p.m. Link onto http://mpwrestling.tripod.com for more info on this show.